Sunday, March 29, 2020

Jesus Slept Through the Storm to Make a Point

The disciples were on the Sea of Galilee when a violent storm hit. The waves were breaking over the sides and the boat was filling up with water. Jesus was in the stern, sleeping on a cushion (Mark 4:38). Did you know this is the only time the Bible says Jesus was asleep? That’s no accident. He was sleeping during the storm to make a point.

Jesus was sleeping the stern, which was the lowest place in the boat. The boat was filling up with water, and the disciples couldn’t bail it out fast enough. As waves crashed into the boat, the water rushed down to the stern. Picture Jesus sleeping as water is filling up the stern. He’s soaking wet, the boat is being tossed from one side to the other, yet He doesn’t wake up! It’s nearly impossible to sleep under those conditions, unless God calms you so much that you can. He might have slept through the entire storm if the disciples hadn’t awakened Him.

When we encounter a storm, we don’t know how dangerous it will get. Some storms have little waves, while others have big waves. This was an intense storm too big for them to handle. It looked like God wasn’t in control. The disciples woke Jesus up and screamed, “Teacher, don’t you care that we’re going to drown?” (Mark 4:38 NLT) Jesus commanded the winds to be still and the sea became perfectly calm, which proved He was in control of the storm. He demonstrated that He was in charge of their circumstances, whether He was sleeping or awake. 

The disciples were amazed that He could calm the storm simply by speaking words. And He can calm your fears as well by speaking words to your heart. Listen carefully, and you will hear Him whispering those words to your heart, “Peace, be still. Do not be troubled. Do not be afraid.”

Are you trusting God through the storm? You’ll never be able to sleep through the storm like Jesus did until you first rest in the fact that God is in control, even when your boat is filling up with water. God is still with you, even if He appears to be sleeping and unconcerned. It’s just a test. If the Lord doesn’t calm the storm you are going through, He will keep you calm through the storm. Either way removes fear.
BIBLE STUDY: Here is a list of scriptures telling you to not be afraid. For more information about why God can be trusted and how to be set free from fear and worry, read The Sure Cure for Worry

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Making Life Count Ministries
P.O. Box 680174
Prattville, Alabama 36068-0174  Twitter: @KentCrockett

Sunday, March 15, 2020

Will You Cheat to Get What You Want?

Several years ago, a high school basketball coach in Kansas cheated in a game by making an illegal substitution. One of his players was injured in the first half. At halftime, the coach made the switch. He asked the injured player's identical twin, who was not listed in the official score book, to put on his brother's uniform and pretend to be him. The twins looked so much alike that no one could tell the difference. The twin wore his brother's number and led the team to victory.

But the thrill of victory quickly turned into the agony of deceit. The coach couldn't live with his guilty conscience. "After the game, my conscience bothered me," he said. "What I did wasn't right. I voluntarily turned myself in to the state."

Proverbs 11:1 says, "A false balance is an abomination to the Lord, but a just weight (honesty) is His delight." The false balance refers to when dishonest merchants used two different stone weights to balance their scales. Lighter stones were placed on the scales when selling, so it would give the buyer less product for the price. They switched to heavier stones when buying, so they would receive more for the same price.

Dishonest people believe they'll be better off if they cheat. Students cheat on tests. Adults cheat on income taxes. Philanderers cheat on their spouses. They don’t realize God is watching and won't let them enjoy what they get. "Bread obtained by falsehood is sweet to a man, but afterward his mouth will be filled with gravel." (Prov. 20:17).

Instead of cheating, try a different approach. Why not do what is honest and trust God with the outcome your situation? It might mean giving up the immediate profit, but don’t forget the end of the story. God has ways of making up the difference for you, both here and in eternity.

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Making Life Count Ministries
P.O. Box 680174
Prattville, Alabama 36068-0174  Twitter: @KentCrockett