Sunday, July 31, 2016

Turning Down Treasure in Heaven

A rich, young ruler asked Jesus, “"Teacher, what good thing shall I do that I may obtain eternal life?" No single verse calls him the “rich young ruler” but when we read the gospels we find he was:
1) Rich (Mark 10:22). He owned much property. There’s nothing wrong with being wealthy. In fact, most people reading this blog have more wealth than this man ever dreamed of having. You probably have a car, computer, air-conditioning, and phone, which this man didn't have.
2) Young (Matt. 19:20). He had good health and was in the prime of life.
3) Ruler (Luke 18:18). He had status with people obeying his orders.

He tried to live for God. He didn’t commit adultery, steal, or slander, and had honored his parents (Mark 9:19). Jesus said, “One thing you lack. Go and sell all you possess, and give to the poor, and you shall have treasure in heaven, and come follow me” (Mark 10:21).

1. He could have been the 13th disciple. Jesus invited him to be a disciple when He said, “Come follow me.” Maybe he would have written one of the gospels. Perhaps he could have fulfilled the spot that would be vacated by Judas (see Acts 1:20-26).
2. He offered him “treasure in heaven.” This may be hard for you to believe, but Jesus said there really is something called treasure in the next life. We don’t know exactly what it is, but it’s far more valuable than anything in this life and it will last throughout all eternity.

TRADING UP: Jesus asked him to trade up—exchanging this world’s stuff for something much better in the next world. “But at these words his face fell, and he went away grieved, for he was one who owned much property (10:22). He turned down the offer because he loved this world more than the next one. If he would have sold his possessions and followed Him, Jesus would have provided everything he needed.

Are we to sell everything today? God doesn’t expect you to get rid of your clothes and walk around naked! But He does want you to surrender all you have into His hands and let Him tell you how to use it to further His kingdom.
How do we follow Him today? You can’t physically follow Jesus today, but you can follow Him by obeying His Word and the leading of the Holy Spirit. Here's how to get started. 

Are you going to turn down treasure in heaven too, or take up His offer?

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Making Life Count Ministries
P.O. Box 680174
Prattville, Alabama 36068-0174  Twitter: @KentCrockett