Sunday, August 25, 2024

A Letter Inside the 1896 Time Capsule

The following comes from Kent’s book, Amazing Stories & Daily Devotionals

In January 1896, a time capsule was buried in a certain community. Instructions were left saying the box should be opened 100 years later. In January 1996 the capsule was dug up. Inside were letters written to people living in a future century. One letter asked, “Has anyone invented a flying machine yet?”

Suppose you could send a letter back in time to those people in 1896. They would be astonished to read: “People travel all over the world in flying machines every day. Men have flown to the moon and back. The U.S. space probe Pioneer 10 has flown past the planet Pluto, which is 5.9 billion miles from the sun. On TV we watch events as they are taking place all over the world.” You conclude the letter writing about computers, DNA, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, lasers, smart phones and cryptocurrencies. How would they know what you’re talking about?


For your letter to make sense, you’d have to use words they could understand. Satellites, television, and computers wouldn’t mean anything to them. You would need to speak IN SIMPLE TERMS to give them a vague idea of what the future looks like.


When God writes to us about what we’ll be doing in heaven forever, He speaks IN SIMPLE TERMS that we can understand. He says we will supervise “many things” (Matt. 25:21), manage “true riches” (Luke 16:11) and “serve Him” (Rev. 22:3). At our present knowledge, we aren’t able to comprehend it, just like the people in 1896 could never comprehend what’s happening today.


We would be bored in heaven if we had nothing to do forever. God will give us joyful assignments, but we won’t understand what they are until we get there—where our knowledge will be expanded, and we will be able to “know fully” (1 Cor. 13:12).

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Making Life Count Ministries
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