Sunday, July 21, 2024

What Was the Purpose of the Burning Bush?

The following comes from Amazing Stories & Daily Devotionals

Moses led his flock into the wilderness when he saw something weird. A bush was on fire, which kept burning, but it wasn’t consumed. The bush didn’t burn out because God was in it. If your bush burns out, God isn’t in it.

Then something even more weird happened. The bush started talking to him—and even called his name! “Moses, Moses … remove your sandals from your feet, for the place on which you are standing is holy ground … I am the God of your father” (Ex. 3:4-6). Remember, this happened long before the tabernacle and temple were built to worship God. Moses was only standing on dirt, but the ground was holy because he was in the presence of a holy God.

 The Lord spoke through a burning bush to prove to Moses three things:

First, He knew exactly where Moses was, even in the back side of a desert.

Second, He called Moses by name, proving He knew who he was.

Third, the bush didn’t burn out, showing He had endless energy

Then the Lord gave Moses an assignment to accomplish. “I will send you to Pharaoh so that you may bring My people, the sons of Israel, out of Egypt (Ex. 3:10). Moses made excuses why he wasn’t capable of doing it, but the Lord assured him, “Certainly I will be with you” (Ex. 3:12). When God calls you to do something, He goes with you and gives you the ability to accomplish it. The Lord gave Moses the wisdom and strength to lead a nation of people out of Egypt and oversaw them for four decades in the wilderness.  

People burn out because they’re doing tasks that God never called them to do, or they’re doing them in their own strength. Moses’ bush never burned out. And your bush won’t burn out either, if God is in it.   

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Making Life Count Ministries
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