Sunday, January 19, 2025

Your Final Performance

The following comes from my book, MORE Amazing Stories & Daily Devotionals.

In the early 1900s long before television, the most popular entertainment was vaudeville performances on stage. Entertainers in vaudeville had to face some tough audiences, so many of them ended their acts with show-stopping moves to ensure applause at the end.

One performer named Eddie Leonard announced at every performance that this was his last show. He figured that few people would be heartless enough to boo a man who was performing his last show. And so, at every city for the next 20 years, the announcement that “this is my last show” guaranteed a standing ovation to close his act!

Everyone is performing on life’s stage. Shakespeare said, “All the world’s stage, and all the men and women merely players.” There’s some truth to that statement, and it’s also true that there are two audiences. One audience is visible, while the other is invisible. You may not be famous on earth, but heaven is watching you.

Professional baseball pitcher Dave Dravecky said that his father told him, “Dave, when you get into that stadium and 55,000 people are watching you, just remember that your only audience is Jesus Christ.”

This is the first day of the rest of your life, and it also could be the last day of your life. Eddie Leonard’s “final” performance is a good example about how to live. View every day as if it’s your final performance on earth, and you’re seeking to receive God’s applause. No one is guaranteed another day on earth, but if you happen to make it to tomorrow, live that day as if it’s your last performance. Keep giving God your best, “to please Him in all respects” (Col. 1:10), even if you perform for another 20 years.

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