Sunday, September 22, 2024

Cheating on Chemistry Tests

The following comes from my book, Amazing Stories & Daily Devotionals.

When I was in college, many of the students in my chemistry class cheated on their tests by getting the answers ahead of time; others by copying answers off those seated next to them. The tests were always difficult. If a question was answered incorrectly, it counted as negative points, which kept people from guessing at the correct answer.

I refused to cheat, even though I was failing the class. I realized my honesty was also being tested by God, and I didn’t want my integrity to fail in His eyes. By God’s grace alone, I did well on my final exam and passed the class.

Years later, I preached at a church where I told about how I was failing chemistry, but I refused to cheat on my chemistry tests because I wanted to please God. Three years later, I received an email from a girl I didn’t know. She said, “When I was a freshman, I heard you say that you didn’t cheat because you wanted to please God more than get a good grade. I want you to know that after hearing your sermon, I quit cheating on tests the rest of high school.”

Integrity means that you live right, not because a private eye is following you around and reporting on what you’re doing. You live right because you want to please God. “Walk in a manner worthy of the Lord, to please Him in all respects, bearing fruit in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of God” (Col. 1:10).

Integrity stands up for truth and makes right choices. You’re honest in business dealings. You’re the same in private as you are in public. If you will live with integrity, you won’t fail the test when you stand before God. No one will get away with cheating at His Final Exam.

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Making Life Count Ministries
P.O. Box 680174
Prattville, Alabama 36068-0174