Sunday, March 17, 2019

Are You in Bondage to Someone?

Have you ever wondered why God sent Moses to Pharaoh to tell him, “Let My people go”? The Lord could have led the Hebrews out of Egypt without getting Pharaoh’s permission, but God wanted to give Pharaoh a chance to “let go.” He needed to take his hands off the Hebrews and release them from slavery. 

If he had listened to Moses and let go, he could have avoided the 10 plagues. But stubborn Pharaoh didn’t heed God’s warning, so he had to suffer the consequences.

Many people today have Pharaoh-itis. They’re holding on to people in their minds that they need to let go. Here are some examples:
***They’ve been hurt by someone and won’t forgive. God tells them to let them go.
***They’re involved in unhealthy relationships. The Lord says to let them go.
***They’ve lost a loved one either by death or a breakup. God wants them to let go and move on.
***Some people are “controllers” and try to make everyone obey them though guilt trips and manipulation. God says, “Let My people go so that they might serve Me” (Ex. 8:1).

You can let people go by cutting the invisible string that connects you to that person. As long as the string stays attached you’ll be in bondage to that individual. Imagine taking a pair of spiritual scissors and cutting the strings in Jesus’ name. Tell the Lord you are releasing that person into His hands and the strings are no longer attached.

Now, if that person tries to pull strings on you, it doesn’t affect you because the connection has been broken. “Therefore if the Son makes you free, you shall be free indeed” (John 8:36)
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Making Life Count Ministries
P.O. Box 680174
Prattville, Alabama 36068-0174  Twitter: @KentCrockett