Saturday, May 12, 2018

How Does God Feed Every Bird in the World?

Do you worry about how God will provide your needs? As Jesus was preaching the Sermon on the Mount, He looked at the faces in the crowd and could read their minds. They were worried about starving. They didn’t have refrigerators, canned food, or grocery stores like today. Most people didn’t know where their next meal was coming from. Then Jesus pointed in the air and said, “Look at those birds…Your heavenly Father feeds them.” (Matt. 6:26a)

Really? Did you just say that God takes responsibility for feeding every bird in the entire world? I’ve never seen a gigantic hand coming down from heaven, opening the beaks of every bird and dropping in worms. If He doesn’t feed them like that, how does He do it? He feeds the birds by guiding them to their food supply whether it’s worms, seeds, or bugs.

Jesus then applied this object lesson to everyone listening, hoping they would make the connection. “You are worth more than birds” (Matt. 6:26b). If the Lord feeds birds, won’t He also take care of His children?

Consider for a moment who’s instructing us not to worry. The Son of God—and it’s impossible for Him to lie. His reputation is at stake. But Jesus isn’t just telling everyone in the crowd not to worry. He’s also speaking to everyone who would be reading His words in the Bible. Jesus knew His words would be recorded in the Scriptures for people living in the future to read.

He knows what you need and how to get the provision to you—on one condition. He said, “But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness and all these things will be added to you.” If you’ll seek the Lord as your highest priority, you’ll never have to worry about your needs being met. When trust and follow the Lord, He promises to provide food and everything else you need. (The Sure Cure for Worry, pp.195-196) ****************************************************************************************************

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Making Life Count Ministries
P.O. Box 680174
Prattville, Alabama 36068-0174  Twitter: @KentCrockett