Saturday, January 20, 2018

The Object of Your Faith

All faith, whether it’s real or counterfeit, focuses on an object. Jesus told His disciples, “Have faith in God” (Mark 11:22). The “object” of our faith is the all-powerful, all-knowing God. If we place our trust in wrong objects, when those things fail, our faith will also fail. Jesus told Peter, “I have prayed for you, that your faith may not fail” (Luke 22:32).

It's not whether your faith is strong or weak, but whether the object of our faith is strong or weak. Suppose you have strong faith that a frozen lake will hold you up if you walk on it. To prove your faith, you run and jump on the ice. Immediately you crash into the icy waters. Your faith failed because the object of your faith failed. You had faith in a weak object because the ice was a half-inch thick.

Now assume you have weak faith. You aren’t sure the ice will hold you up, so you slowly edge out onto it. You’re pleased to discover the ice supports your weight because it’s 10 inches thick. Your faith didn’t fail because you placed it in a strong object. (If God Knows What I Need, Why Should I Pray? pp.57-58)

It’s better to have weak faith on thick ice than strong faith on thin ice. Are you placing your faith in God, or in something else? Psalm 20:7 says, “Some trust in chariots, others in horses (wrong objects), but we trust the Lord our God (right object).”

Faith that won’t fail is established on the historical fact that Jesus died for our sins, rose from the dead and is alive today. Paul wrote, “For I delivered to you of first importance …that Christ died for our sins…and that He was raised” (1 Cor. 15:3-4). He is the one who can forgive your sins, and His kingdom will endure forever. That’s why I put my trust in Him.
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Making Life Count Ministries
P.O. Box 680174
Prattville, Alabama 36068-0174  Twitter: @KentCrockett