Thursday, January 16, 2014

Defeating Doubt

Watch Kent’s 18-minute Video Teaching  Erasing Your Doubts” 
Do you ever experience doubts? After Jesus healed a blind man, the Pharisees questioned him about whether or not Jesus was a sinner. He answered, “Whether or not He is a sinner, I don’t know. One thing I do know: I was blind, and now I see!” (John 9:25) He concentrated on the one fact he knew to be true and not on the question he didn’t know the answer to.

Some people think they cannot believe in God unless they have every question answered. But you don’t need to have every one of your questions answered before you can believe in Him. In a court of law, a jury doesn’t need to have every question answered before it can reach a verdict. The jury is not going to see a video recording of the crime being committed, but they can reach a decision by examining the clues.  

The accused person might claim he was never at the scene of the crime, but if investigators find his DNA there, you can conclude without any doubt that he was there. You might still have questions about how the crime occurred, but the one thing you do know cancels out all your unanswered questions. The jury can reach a decision without any reasonable doubt because of the one fact they know to be true and not because every question has been answered.
The next time you are bewildered, concentrate on what you know to be true. Remember when God answered a prayer or did a miracle for you. Concentrate on the fact that the Bible proves itself to be true through fulfilled Bible prophecies. For more information on turning a double-mind into a single mind, watch the Erasing Your Doubts video.
NEW Bible studies from Making Life Count Ministries:
Financial Freedom pt. 1—The God Factor  --  Shows how God can intervene in your situation.
The Judgment Seat of Christ – This is not a judgment of our sins, but to reward us for faithful service.
Ten Things That Happen When You are Born Again – 4 lessons for Small Groups to discuss.
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