The following comes from my book, MORE
Amazing Stories & Daily Devotionals.
On April 10, 1963, the nuclear submarine Thresher
went too deep into the ocean and was crushed by the pressure of the
surrounding water. A submarine needs thick steel bulkheads to withstand the
pressure of the water as it dives, but few walls can withstand the pressure
of the deepest oceans.
Amazingly, in those same deep waters where that steel submarine had been crushed, little fish swim without a care in the world. How is that possible? Why aren’t they crushed since they only have a thin layer of skin? God created the fish with an internal pressure that’s perfectly balanced with the pressure from the outside. The Lord gave them what they need to live at that depth.
We are all surrounded by the pressures of life. Financial pressures. Strained relationships. Stress at work. Traumatic events. Illnesses. As the pressures accumulate, how is it possible to keep from being crushed?
God will give us what we need to live at that depth. Jesus said, “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart, I have overcome the world” (John 16:33). He’s talking about the stressful issues of life that can crush us. Sure, Jesus overcame the world and its pressures at that time, but what about today?
Suppose Jesus could enter into us and neutralize the pressures of life, just like the fish isn’t crushed by the pressure of the water. That’s exactly what He wants to do. The peace of God that’s in Christ, which surpasses all understanding (Phil. 4:7), counteracts the stress of life’s difficulties. The pressures are still real, but they don’t affect us like they do other people because the Spirit living inside us is greater than the pressures trying to crush us.
BIBLE STUDY: What is blasphemy against the Holy Spirit?
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