Sunday, May 29, 2022

In Search of the Greener Grass

Abram’s and Lot’s herdsmen argued because their herds became too large and the land could no longer sustain them. Abram told Lot, “I don’t want strife between us, so I’ll give you the first choice of the land for your flocks and herds.” Lot chose the green valley of Sodom because it would be a good place for his livestock. But the greener grass wasn’t as nice as it seemed. The people living there were evil, and Abram later had to come rescue him (Gen. 13:7-13).   


The “greener grass syndrome” tells you that you can’t be happy where you are right now. You need to go somewhere else. Do something else. Be with someone else. The life you’re living is terrible. Everyone else has a better life. If you could just get a little more, you’d be happy too.   


But it doesn’t matter how much you’ve accumulated if you can’t enjoy what you have. “God gives some people wealth, possessions and honor, so that they lack nothing their hearts desire, but God does not grant them the ability to enjoy them” Eccl. 6:2 (NIV). If you don’t have the God-given ability to enjoy life, you’ll never by happy no matter where you go or what you get.  


But there really is green grass available to be found. It’s located in Psalm 23:1-2. “The Lord is my shepherd . . . He makes me lie down in green pastures.” Notice it doesn’t say He makes us run all over the world searching for green pastures. When we follow the Shepherd, He makes us lie down in it. That’s a restful, relaxed spirit.


The grass is always greenest in the center of God’s will. Discontentment always points us to a place where God isn’t leading, but contentment is always happy wherever He leads. That’s where you’ll be the most satisfied and fulfilled, and where you’ll be most pleasing to the Lord. But you’ll never find the greener grass unless you follow the Shepherd.   

I LOVE THIS SONG: The New 23rd Psalm  


Making Life Count Ministries 
P.O. Box 680174
Prattville, Alabama 36068-0174